Defining Operator Function outside Class definition

This video tutorial explains how to define operator function outside the class definition using scope resolution operator and also explains how to overload minus operator in c++.
You are gonna learn how to use scope resolution operator with operator function, how to overload minus operator outside class definition in detail with example.

source code for this tutorial

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Marks{
int intmark;
int extmark;
    intmark = 0;
    extmark = 0;
   Marks( int im,int em){
    intmark =im;
    extmark = em;
    void display(){
    cout << intmark<<endl<<extmark<<endl;

    Marks operator+(Marks m){
        Marks temp;
        temp.intmark = intmark + m.intmark;
        temp.extmark = extmark + m.extmark;
        return temp;


    Marks operator-(Marks m);


Marks Marks :: operator-(Marks m){
        Marks temp;
        temp.intmark = intmark - m.intmark;
        temp.extmark = extmark - m.extmark;
        return temp;


int main()
   Marks m1(10,20),m2(30,40);

   Marks m3 = m1 + m2;

   Marks m4 = m2 - m1;

    return 0;